Dear Zowina,
Thank you for updating your comment.
While I understand that you still stand by your initial criticism, I'd like to shed some light on the situation.
Firstly, I appreciate your concern about requesting followers to join me without thoroughly exploring the validity of my plans.
However, I must emphasize that my intentions were to share my progress and invite others to participate in this AI challenge, rather than claiming 100% certainty of success. The aim was to encourage exploration and experimentation.
Regarding productivity, I wholeheartedly agree that time should be utilized efficiently for growth rather than stagnation.
The AI challenge I proposed was precisely meant to demonstrate the potential of AI in generating income and promoting personal growth.
I apologize if my article's title seemed clickbait-ish, but I assure you that the intention was to catch reader's attention rather than deceive or mislead readers. Transparency and authenticity are essential to me, and I aim to provide value without compromising trust.
Also, I'm thrilled to share that, despite the initial skepticism, I have successfully generated $2k so far through AI in a just 18 days. This tangible result validates the potential of AI-powered strategies.
In conclusion, I appreciate your perspective and understand your concerns.
The intention behind my article was to inspire exploration, and I genuinely believe in the power of AI. It's my hope that readers can find value in my experiences and adapt them to their own journeys.
Thank you for your feedback, and I wish you all the best.